An unusual workout with a rope is aimed at creating an effective muscular load. The heavy and rather bulky attribute of the workout will strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, arms, abs, legs. The peculiarity of the impact of kicks, lunges, swings on the body is not comparable with other, previously performed, exercises. Literally 10-12 minutes of activity is equivalent in effect to the most intense workout.

Such a simulator, when used properly, helps develop anaerobic and aerobic abilities, which becomes noticeable after the first month of training. The desire to increase endurance, to make a better strength training will be realized during the performance of a complex of physical exercises, in which the main role is assigned to the rope.

Advantages and disadvantages

Those who want to know what gives training with ropes, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages:

  • Creating a load on the back, buttocks, abs;
  • Impact on the legs during lunges, jumps, squats, which the athlete has to do intuitively during various tasks;
  • burning a large number of calories (10 calories per minute), which leads to the activation of shedding fat layers and, consequently, to rapid weight loss, changes in body shape for the better;
  • excellent cardio stimulation with increased heart rate, increased blood flow and improved oxygen delivery to every cell;
  • deep workout of muscle tissues through prolonged exertion;
  • Strengthening of the muscular frame;
  • development of endurance through a continuous and high-speed series of exercises;
  • complete safety for the exercising person, which is explained by self-regulation of the load, as well as the exclusion of cases of fractures, sprains.

Of the disadvantages of experts call the restriction of classes by age – undesirable to engage in adolescents and the elderly, that is, categories of people whose body is characterized by vulnerability and weakness.

Types of exercises

When choosing exercises with ropes for the hands, the following complex can be taken as a basis

For beginners

  • double wave: legs spread and slightly bent, make movements with both arms up / down;
  • Variable wave: same position, take each hand at the end of the rope and raise up / down rapidly in turn
  • wave low variable: the previous exercise, but squat lower;
  • circles with hands raised above the shoulders in a clockwise and counter-clockwise direction (about 30 seconds);
  • snake on the floor with two hands at the same time without crossing over;
  • A stretched rope on the shoulders, it is necessary to straighten arms and return them to the starting position.

Explosive movements

  • Performance of jumps with lunges and change of legs;
  • Variable jumps with landing in the crouch;
  • jumps with a turn of 180 degrees and turning your arms above your head to one side and to the other;
  • difficult, tiring: jump up in a horizontal position with knees pulled up, push off, jump up and wave your arms around for about 10 seconds;
  • Star jump: legs together, bent at the knees, jump by spreading the arms with ropes and legs apart, land; a sharp increase in heartbeat, a sensation of heat is possible.


  • lateral: from left to right and vice versa;
  • power: hands above your head, make a sharp downward movement, straighten up, repeat;
  • The exercise is the same as described above, but the blows do one, then the other hand;
    take the plank position, push off, pick up your knees, then stretch your legs, jump up, get on tiptoes and make punches
  • before squatting;
  • the same actions, but without push-ups.


  • To rise from a lying position, to squat, to do snakes with hands parallel to the floor;
  • exercise, the benefit of which is aimed at the biceps, abs, back, forearms, 4 leg muscles: reverse lunges (pulling the legs back) with the simultaneous performance of waves with the hands;
  • It is necessary to do alternating strokes and at the same time to move in a left / right squatting step;
  • squats with raising arms above head from shoulder height.

Functional training for the whole body:

  • lunge jumps limited by the length of the rope;
  • Performing a reverse wave with back to the anchor point;
  • rotations in a circular rowing style;
  • turning around with a jump squat;
  • Olympic kick with a change of hands at the moment when the rope begins to fall to the other side;
  • a sharp whip followed by a squat and an outside jump is performed;
  • side walk on hands in the bar position;
  • jumping out on two legs, landing on one leg as jump + jump;
  • Lunge with accelerated rotation.

Useful tips

To exercise safely and productively, you need to adhere to the rules:

  • do not use safety loops, so that the control came at the expense of trained wrists and strength;
  • It is important to combine exercises with other types of load;
  • achieve acceleration gradually, focusing on the development of strength and musculature;
  • it is desirable to start under the supervision of a knowledgeable trainer;
  • necessarily monitor the work of the heart, provided that the frequency of contractions will not exceed the maximum calculated by the formula – the result of 220 minus the number of years multiplied by 0.8.

Regular exercise will help you train your cardiovascular system, lose weight, have a positive effect on your well-being, and add variety to your formerly familiar training rhythm. Properly organized training with a rope is a high-intensity training with a complex load on various muscles and without overloading the joints.