Exercise equipment for working with own weight is an integral part of any gym. Their advantages lie in their very convenient use, as well as in absolute safety. With their help it is possible to build muscles, develop strength and endurance, as well as improve the health of the body.
Work with these simulators can all people, regardless of physical shape and fitness level. They are mainly used by gymnasts, boxers, sprinters, athletes, and, of course, those who want to achieve a fit and beautiful and healthy body.
However, it is very important not to overdo it with these simulators. When overloading the body possible any injuries, even though these machines are considered among the safest. Each person should know exactly on what load his body is designed and how much he needs to exercise, so as not to harm his health.
Types of training machines with their own weight
When working with a trainer with its own weight there is an opportunity to develop a variety of muscle groups. For this purpose, different types of training structures are used. Among the main ones stand out:
- Bars. This design is used to build muscles throughout the body, in particular the pectoral, shoulder girdle muscles, back, biceps and triceps. In addition, with their help, it is possible to develop the chest and abs muscles.
This type of exerciser can be used by both experienced bodybuilders and novice athletes. Exercises on bars are known to be among the safest, and are also suitable for a quick recovery from injury.
Bars come in both wall-mounted and floor bars. Which type should be chosen depends solely on the athlete’s goal and the exercises he intends to perform. Those who want to correct posture, strengthen the back and muscles will do well on the wall bars. And those who want to perform exercises with less load on the back, suit floor bars.
The result of working with bars is a slender body, as well as relieving tension, increasing the chest, as well as getting rid of scoliosis.
- Chinning bars. They are usually used to develop the muscles in the arms, back, abdominal abs and shoulder girdle muscles. When working with horizontal bars involves a very large group of muscles. With their help you can achieve an athletic figure, improve posture, and, of course, strengthen the health of the body.
Beginning athletes are advised to begin their physical training with exercises on the chinning bar.
They are an excellent preparator for heavier loads. They are also very useful for people who lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. Exercises on the chinning bars contribute to improving a person’s well-being and relieve stress and tension.
Chinning bars exist in many different forms. Among the most popular are: ceiling, spacer, wall, floor, as well as a chinning bar 3 in 1.
The use of a particular type of chinning bar depends solely on the exercises that the athlete is going to perform.
- Swiss Chinning Bar. The wall bars contribute to the effective performance of various stretches, power loads, hangings, as well as to build abdominal muscles. Also performing exercises on this particular simulator has many advantages, such as training the vestibular apparatus, the development of strength, stamina and dexterity, as well as flexibility.
In addition, by training on the wall bars you can strengthen the immune system, nervous system and form the correct posture.
And the wall bars can prevent osteochondrosis and many other problems with the musculoskeletal system.
- Bench presses. The advantage of this trainer is the most effective building of abs. It is also very convenient for doing exercises to pump the abs. For example, it is possible to comfortably fix the legs, back and the rest of the body.
When using the abs bench, the load is distributed evenly over the entire body, which helps to reduce the risk of any injuries. In addition, this design is very reliable, which reduces the risk of breakage.
Press bench, as well as many other exercise equipment with its own weight, has many types: straight, Roman, curved and adjustable. To choose the right trainer, you need to consider the level of fitness. Also, it does not hurt to have adjustable features of the trainer.
- Hyperextension. This type of fitness equipment promotes the straightening of the posture. It is also considered one of the best exercises for those who have injuries or back injuries. Exercise should be performed in a special way, so that the load went more on the legs and glutes, rather than on the back.
Also performing exercises on hyperextension is suitable for office workers, i.e. people leading an inactive lifestyle. It is considered one of the safest simulators, but before performing exercises, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of work with this simulator.
In addition, hyperextension is preferred by women and girls, as it helps to build muscles in the buttocks.
Exercise equipment with its own weight have a lot of advantages. They are quite simple and easy to use. For this reason, they are suitable for absolutely all athletes, regardless of their level. All types of these simulators contribute to the development of the abs, and also contribute to the development of dexterity, speed, endurance and strength.
They are a kind of preparatory workout for heavier loads, as well as the use of these simulators can even children from a very young age in order to strengthen the muscles and the health of the body.
They are undoubtedly a must for any gym because many athletes prefer to use weight machines to warm up their muscles or increase their mass.
They also have the advantage of being designed for any body weight and reduce the risk of injury to a minimum degree.